Got Recyclables? Why You Should Be Participating In A Curbside Recycling Program

If your community offers a curbside recycling program, you owe it to yourself to participate. You may not think that there are many benefits to the service, but that's not the case. In fact, participating in the curbside recycling program provides you and your community with multiple benefits. Instead of tossing your recyclable materials into the trash, here are just four of the reasons why you should be participating in the curbside recycling program. [Read More]

Industrial Scrap: Dealing With It

Whether you're making custom metal pieces for other people or making metal items for your own company, generating scraps in your industrial facility is always a possibility. Scraps aren't easy to deal with because you may want to spend workdays focused on the tasks ahead of you. Before you have a mess on your work site, consider these industrial scrap recommendations. Know Your Metal Value You might already realize that you need help for ridding the site of different sorts of metals. [Read More]

4 Things You Should Start Recycling

Recycling is one way that you can make a positive contribution to the world around you. It reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills while also decreasing the need for new resources. You probably already recycle your bottles and cans, but you may not know that some other common household goods are recyclable. Here are four things you should start recycling today: 1. Batteries You can recycle most types of batteries. [Read More]

Scrapping Plastic? Materials To Consider

You've heard of scrapping metal, but you haven't given scrapping plastic much thought. You can make money recycling plastic while making a positive impact on the environment at the same time. Plastic is derived from oils and doesn't biodegrade well, so the more plastic you keep out of landfills, the better. Plastic is also a renewable source, so every piece of plastic you can successfully recycle not only puts money in your pocket, but allows for something new to be created with less harmful impact on the world you live in. [Read More]